Lottie Moon Christmas Offering – $9,166 Collected!
Praise the Lord for the generosity of First Baptist Griffith! Our goal for this year’s International Missions Offering was $6000 and as of the last Sunday of December we have received over $9000. Thank you for your sacrificial response.
Fellowship of Grace – Schererville Church Plant
First Baptist Church, in cooperation with the NAMB, is honored to be the local supporting church for the Schererville church plant, Fellowship of Grace. It is exciting to see what God is doing in the community and to know that we are taking an important role in it. To get more information on Fellowship of Grace, visit their website at www.fellowshipgrace.org
Christmas Baskets
Canned goods, sugar, flour, and other boxed items are needed for our Christmas Baskets. If anyone would like to make monetary donations for perishable items, please see Dodie Price or Bill Martin or contact the church office at 924-6820.
World Missions Outreach
Go therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the age. Amen.
Matt. 28:19-20, NKJ
Cooperative Program
In 1925, the Southern Baptist Convention established the Cooperative Program. The Cooperative Program – CP Missions – enables all Southern Baptists to work together to support missions efforts worldwide.
International Mission Board
We, along with all other Southern Baptist Churches, give a part of our general offering to the International Mission Board. The IMB supports over 4,900 missionaries in over 153 countries. We are proud to tell you that through the IMB, 451,000 new Christians were baptized in 2000 outside of the United States.
North American Mission Board
The North American Mission Board sent out 5,081 missionaries last year and started over 1,700 new churches. About 415,000 people were baptized last year through this program.
These are just a few of the programs our Southern Baptist Convention operates and we support. We are always praying for our missionaries. Please pray that they continue their work and service to the Lord and spread His word.